Design, build and code advanced electronic creations including remote-controlled robots, plant monitoring systems and security alarms.
Do you like technology and creating things? What if you could create advanced electronic devices by just connecting components and dragging and dropping? You'll be given two sophisticated WiFi 'embedded computers' and a set of over 25 advanced modules. These include motors, a servo, an OLED screen, atmospheric sensors, security keypads and fobs, a laser rangefinder, ultrasonic sensor, and even a satellite navigation module - all yours to take home with you.
Want to create a battling robot? How about an electronic lock box that could only be opened when taken to a specific location on the planet? Perhaps a remote plant monitoring system, or a RFID card security system? You'll learn how to build all of those and best of all you'll have the knowledge and equipment to keep creating when you get home.
Your computer modules can be programmed using a simple drag-and-drop environment so this course is suitable for both beginners and advanced Tech Creators! It can also be programmed in Python when you take it home.
Don't just learn about coding on a screen - find out how to build your own gadgets using programmable embedded computers you can take home
You'll learn how to use some of the most advanced electronic sensors and modules available from satellite navigation systems to laser range-finders
Want to create an RFID card security system or a motion-controlled sound effects machine? Build these and much more.
You'll start off learning how to programme your miniature 'embedded computers' using either drag-and-drop or Python programming. These are custom designed by Tech Camp to be perfect for novices but advanced enough to challenge even the geekiest teenagers!
You'll then learn how to 'breadboard' connections, starting with simple LEDs and switches, before then adding a miniature OLED screen and speaker.
Once you've learnt about basic inputs and outputs, you'll discover how to interface using 'RS232' and 'I2C' to allow connection of super advanced modules in your kit, including ultrasonic sensors, GPS modules, 'Time of Flight' sensors and even RFID security readers. Each one has a fun project to create, from keycard-enabled security alarms to a 'Theremin' music synthesiser, and even a remote-controlled battling robot.
Along with your electronic modules, you'll also be given some precision 'base boards' to build your creations, so you can quickly build your ideas in physical form.
The aim of all of this is to give you the knowledge and confidence to take your equipment (and knowledge!) home with you to keep creating, inventing and making.
Starting with your programmable computers
Campers start off learning how to write programs for the little 'embedded computers', which are very capable by themselves. It's super simple to get started with a drag-and-drop environment, or you can program in Python if you prefer.
Connecting advanced electronics
Then we introduce students to over 25 different sensors and modules to get their creative juices flowing and help them to come up with invention ideas they can work on. Each module has a challenge the campers need to complete so they understand how they all work.